Why support Corda?
Corda is built on the belief that it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him one. Giving people life-sustaining, confidence boosting, independence generating JOBS can do more to improve the life of a person in poverty than a donation. Making rope sandals creates the opportunity people need to life themselves out of poverty by providing job training, life skills and self confidence to ensures they will stay out of poverty in the future.
Why Ethiopia?
In Dustin’s adventures living in a van in Europe, he met a woman who supports a village in Northern Ethiopia dedicated to helping orphans. Dustin went to that village to experience first hand the good they were doing. After spending a month there he realized that there often were no opportunities to leave the program for many of the adults turning 18 as there simply were no jobs, so he wanted to do something about it.
Why rope sandals?
Rope sandals belong in every closet because there is a wanderer, adventurer, and explorer in all of us! Rope sandals bring you back to nature, inviting you to see new sights, take in another sunset, and go on more adventures! They are super comfortable, and form to your feet often feeling like you’re not wearing anything at all. According to the Nike Materials Sustainability Index, producing our rope uses less resources than any other material. Rope sandals were also the perfect solution for providing jobs in Ethiopia, as they are all 100% hand made with only a couple raw materials.
After much hard work and dedication we now have an amazing partner in Ethiopia with 8 artisans now sustainably employed making quality rope shoes for adventurers all over the world. We have officially shipped to 45 countries! So thank you to everyone for your wonderful support. We could not do this without you!